It is said that the historical Buddha made this sacred hand gesture immediately after gaining enlightenment. Stay for as long as you like, bathing in your own radiance. With their help, people gain divine protection, improve their health, raise the level of well-being, and even attract love into their lives. The Mudra of Holding the Jewel looks very similar to the Namaskara Mudra or the Anjali Mudra shown above. Precision: While practicing the various hand gestures, articulate the precise form as described in the text and shown in the images to the best of your ability. The thumb is fire, the index finger is air, the middle finger is space, the ring finger is earth, and the pinky finger is water. It is said that this is the gesture made by Buddha after finding enlightenment. Karuna Mudra can help your heart and chest to soften, allowing you to tap into the deep wellspring of your heart. Hridaya Mudra. The Vitarka Mudra (the Mudra of Teaching or Discussion) is a common mudra representing the discussion and transmission of Buddhist teachings. Have you found the mudras useful? 5655 E. Mabel St., Studio B (Located in the back of the property). It invokes the feeling of calmness and compassion and that is why we use it often in meditation. This simple but powerful mudra is good for helping ease heartache, conflict, or any negativity. Keep your thumb touching the edge of your hand and allow your fingers to subtly relax as you "stop" fear and "wave hello" to a courage. In the varada mudra, the open hand is held palm outward, fingers pointing down. In this state, we can bear witness to our sensations, images, feelings, and thoughts rather than impulsively react to them. There are three key reasons for using the Dhyana Mudra: focus on the Good Law, aid in meditation, and heightening spirituality. 132 download. In this article, we will explore several different hand mudras to elicit a desired response for optimal and harmonious living. Allow a small space to exist between the palms of the hands. Mudras for Harmonious Living: How to Practice Hand Gestures for Connection, Focus, Compassion, and Motivation. The event is often considered the moment that Set the wheel in motion. Hence why this is called the Dharmachakra Mudra or Wheel of Dharma gesture. M Balance: Practice single-handed mudras with each hand if possible. I think I finally got it! You may be familiar with this mudra if you have ever traveled to India or other parts of Asia. If you spend a lot of your day over-analyzing, calculating, and rationalizing, you may have excess Pitta, which is the mind body type that relates to fire and water. Love Multiplier (Inspired by Anahata Chakra Mudra) Use "Love Multiplier" anytime to increase love: to invite more love into your life, to send love and compassion, to heal a broken heart, or to give yourself courage to love and embrace the future. Intent: Use your mind to send energy into your hands, and become aware of each finger and part of your hands, wrists, and your entire body. One of the best mudras for seniors and for anti-aging, this mudra connects the heart and soul and helps energy and life force flow throughout the body. Hand mudras have been used for centuries in yogic traditions to promote health and wellbeing, and they are considered valuable tools on the path of spiritual awakening. Benefits: Activates heart chakra, improves the health of the heart, lungs, and breasts, regulates breathing, expands feelings of compassion and love, increases healing abilities. Rose Essential Oil. The elephant, enraged and in pain, charged at the Buddha and his followers. The Buddha used the gesture again when he was about to be attacked by an elephant. We need fire to motivate and awaken us. The Conscious Lifetells us, The cosmic mudra helps to bring your attention inward and is useful when you are trying to increase self-awareness.. S h uni Mudra is the kundalini mudra of understanding and patience. Also, it encourages purity, wisdom, compassion, and understanding towards others, and patience to fulfill one's duties and responsibilities. This graceful gesture cultivates one of the foundational tenets of yoga, ahimsa, which proposes non-violence toward every living creature on earth. This mudra gives us courage to be present with and open our heart during times that scare us. In Sanskrit the word mudra means attitude, gesture, or seal. In Buddhist sculpture and painting throughout Asia, the Buddha (Nyorai, Tathagata) are generally depicted with a characteristic hand gesture known as a mudra.Mudras are used primarily to indicate the nature and function of the deity. # This mudra is usually made with one hand, most often the right one, with the hand held upward close to the chest and the palm facing outward. Photo courtesy of Olivier Adam. There are many Taras, but Green Tara and White Tara are the most popular. Saturn is the planet of patience, and responsibility. The left hand is placed in the lap with the palm facing upwards. Anjali mudra is a powerful way to balance the right and left hemispheres of the brain, as well as the solar and lunar energies in our body. In the Tibetan language, she is known also as 'Sgrol-ma', which may be translated to mean 'she who saves'. They can be thought of as yoga for the hands, impacting various parts of the body, mind, and spirit in different ways. Report When two hands are used, the left palm faces inward and the right palm is turned outward. The varada mudra represents compassion and wish-granting. This mudra works to open the heart while also grounding us to the earth. The Mandala Offering Mudra is a complex and sacred hand gesture that acts as a symbolic offering of the entire universe for the benefit of all sentient beings. This mudra is commonly used to increase your capacity for gratitude, compassion and generosity. See which ones resonate with you, and bring the ones you love into your personal sadhana. In this mudra we join the palms and fingers together in a prayer position in front of your heart. Notice these subtle changes, and then come back to your breath, taking a regular breath in through the nostrils and then exhale out through the mouth. Keep this sense of softness with you as you move throughout your day, remembering that, just like the lotus flower, you too can experience growth in the muddy waters. Give this mudra to become a love guru a go! She graces us with the gifts of auspiciousness, grace, compassion and love. Exhale slowly through the mouth and resume natural breathing. B How to use Buddhist mudras in feng shui practice. Photo courtesy of Olivier Adam. . One of my very favorite healing mudras is Kapota or Dove mudra, which is the gesture of peace. 2014 Studio Todd Proudly created with, Mudra - Compassion Wheel of Unstuck Sound, Located on the Northwest corner of Mabel St. and Van Buren St. can you explain this please? The Vitarka mudra is remarkably similar to the Abhaya mudra, which is the gesture for fearlessness. The word Abhaya is Sanskrit for Fearless. This isnt fear in the modern sense though. 6. Mudra(gesture). A note about the images of mudras: The thangka prints shown in this blog post were donated to the Tibetan Nuns Project by a generous donor. This was a wonderful explanation of Mudras and their uses and benefits. By doing Aditi Mudra, diseases like cold and excessive sneezing are cured. Photo courtesy of Olivier Adam. 2. Sign up for self-paced courses designed to deliver balance and health. However, if a mudra cannot be made with each hand, there is still great benefit in practicing with one hand. Mudra is a Sanskrit word for gesture, symbol, or expression. Maha means "great" and mudra means "symbol" or "seal." The Great Symbol referred to is the wisdom of emptiness, which is the very nature of our mind and of all phenomenaany object or idea the mind can observe or become aware of. As you probably know, the lotus flower is sacred in yoga and Buddhist traditions. . The Lotus Mudra opens our heart chakra to receive love, grace, compassion and abundance. What is pain education and how can yoga help us understand our pain? Anjali mudra decreases greediness and grasping for more than you need. S These gestures, despite their apparent simplicity, are striking in their results. The Karana Mudra works by removing what Buddhists call obstacles. In other words, it helps us to overcome negativity. X This sacred hand gesture represents the granting of blessings, wishes, or even pardon. But, they can also bring you relief during times of struggle. (Learn more in The Story of Hinduism's Elephant-Headed Deity, Ganesh.). )You can bring mudras into your practice simply to deepen it and provide yet another element to the already profound practice of yoga. A mudra is a symbolic hand gesture, while the lotus is a reminder that there is beauty within even . Daily Mudra: Karuna Mudra Gesture of Compassion for Cultivating Compassion - Karuna. This mudra helps in bestowing a particular energy quality that a person seeks from enlightened beings. In this beautiful photo by Olivier Adam, an elderly nun in Zanskar shows a novice nun how to make the Mandala Offering Mudra. Your email address will not be published. 2. The most notable mudras (Sanskrit, "seal" or "sign") are those commonly found in representations of the Buddha: hands folded in the lap signify meditation; a palm held up facing outward signifies the act of . This mudra is typically held in front of the heart. The following is an excerpt adapted from the chapter I wrote: "Compassion in Pain Care" in Yoga and Science in Pain Care: Treating the Person in Pain by Singing Dragon Publishers, p.250-51. Do this repetition six times. In this blog wed like to share descriptions and images of some common mudras. The five fingers facing down represents . The circle formed by the joined fingers symbolizes perfection with no beginning or end. The Yoni Mudra is dedicated to the female goddess Shakti in Hinduism, where yoni means womb or vulva. The following are some of the major benefits of Padma Mudra: Practising Lotus Mudra helps develop feelings of compassion, affection, kindness and love towards others. By showing that the hand is empty the individual shows friendship and peace. K Erase in sexual tensions and anxieties. Opens up the heart chakra to love, compassion, and courage; Yoni Mudra/ Mudra for the Womb Directions. This mudra represents charity, compassion, and boon-granting. Varada Mudra, also known as Favorable Mudra, embodies the connection between giving and forgiveness. The Buddhist hand gesture for enlightenment is Bhumisparsha mudra. . It has fantastic psychological benefits for the practitioner. Photo courtesy of Olivier Adam. The thumbs may optionally be moved to touch each other lightly at the tips in order to form a mystic triangle. It is called anjali mudra, which means offering, and it is a symbol of bringing together the opposites and expressing union, or oneness. Prints of Olivier Adams photographs are available through his Etsy shop, Daughters of Buddha. Although this mudra is usually made together with prayers and Buddhist chants, non-Buddhists can also perform it to receive its spiritual benefits. Then bring your ring fingers to touch the thumb. Keep your pinky . Then, something makes me remember how good they feel, and I bring them back into my practice once again. So meaningfull. To practice Surya mudra, rest the backs of your hands onto your knees and allow your breath to become steady. In order to make the Karana Mudra, touch the tip of the third finger to the tip of the thumb. Surya signifies the sun which is associated with the heat. Best placement: This mudra is related to the notion of fierce compassion, where you can let go when its necessary. This might feel a little uncomfortable at first so do not strain yourself. This mudra kills negative feelings like hatred, anger, misunderstanding from the body. Y This mudra joins elements together and balances both sides of the body. Varada is Sanskrit for Favourable. Ganesh Mudra activates the fire element and can help you act with confidence, courage, self-esteem, compassion and openness. This mudra . Thankfully, we can turn negatives into positives with the Karana mudra. The palm faces outward with your thumb pointing down. Hi Tana; thanks for your comment. She is shown sitting on a moon disc lotus flower with compassion and peace while making the "Prithvi Mudra" with her right hand, representing the healing and spiritual balance within the body. On the superficial level, a mudra is often indicated as a hand gesture. Both hands are used in this mudra. Hold the mudra for as long as feels right for you.Practice these mudras anytime you like. Detail of a thangka print depicting White Tara and showing the outward facing palm and downward hand of the Varada Mudra or Mudra of Generosity. this was a helpful post I enjoyed trying out the different mudras and feeling their instant benefits! U Flowing Air Mudra: Vayu Mudra. Vitarka Mudra is a great psychospiritual hand gesture. To practice this mudra, bring your left hand to your heart center. One day, the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, was sitting meditating by the Bodhi tree when he was attacked by the demon called Mara and Maras monsters. Mudras are so valuable because they enhance overall wellbeing and allow you to tap into hidden energy reserves. To help you bring attention to your doshas and to identify what your predominant dosha is, we created the following quiz. Then, with the bent tips of your index fingers, press down on the tip of the opposite middle finger. Emily Estep is a plant biologist and journalist who has worked for a variety of online news and media outlets, writing about and editing topics including environmental science and houseplants. J Allow the hands to float down and gently blink the eyes open. Earn the highest Chopra Certification available and expand your toolbox of offerings. Hold your hands together, clasp the fingers together and ensure that your right thumb remains erect. 12-32 minutes. Place your right hand over your leg so that your fingertips touch the earth. REVIEW: Mudras for Healing by Joseph & Lilian Le Page. Namaste! The word dharmachakra refers to the wheel of dharma. In response, the elephant stopped in its charge, became calm, and then approached the Buddha and bowed its head. Buddhist imagery can be used in the feng shui of your home as a spiritual reminder. It was then Siddhartha Gautama realised enlightenment. To let go of the mudra, allow the fingers to extend out with the palms facing up. Lotus Mudra for Compassion. For Buddhists, it is symbolic of such an important time in the life of Buddha and makes us feel more connected to Buddha. The word mudra comes from the Sanskrit word: mud, which means bliss, and dra, which means dissolving. Padma mudra is often associated with the Hindu goddess Lakshmi. Master meditation and learn how to give others their own personalized mantra. E The mudra of meditation is a characteristic gesture of the Buddha Shakyamuni. This mudra, while not found in representations of the Buddha or other deities, is commonly used by nuns, monks, and lay people to symbolize devotion, prayer, and admiration. In Buddhist training, it is important to remove anger from the mind. Yoga reminds us that the physical body is its own technology that can open us up to unlimited modes of awareness. Yoga is a practice involving physical exercise, spiritual growth, and helps with maintaining a healthy mind and body connection. It is excellent for freeing oneself from greed, anger and possessiveness. It can look to Westerners like the common hand gesture for stop. thanks! Linga Mudra can help you to manage asthma, cold, sinus, dried phlegm, and cold. Fold your middle and ring fingers in to touch the tip of the thumb. Application . To perform this mudra, sit comfortably, either in your chair or on a cushion, allowing the spine to lengthen up and the shoulders to soften down the back. You might like to combine these with these mudras for the mind. More of your questions answered by our Experts. Application: In a comfortable seated position, hold the mudra in front of the chest while gazing inwardly at the heart center. Mudras can help bring you relief during times of struggle. In the west, the gesture could easily be confused with a Stop sign. In this application we are utilizing the mudras by evoking a sense of hidden power, and uniting with something larger, like tapping into universal energy, or the principle of pure awareness. Varada Mudra opens the mind to compassion and love. This hand gesture helps the mind to enter a more agreeable, friendly state. Keep space between the palms of your hands, as if you had a ball there, and join only the fingertips to touch. Varada Mudra signifies compassion, charity and sincerity. For the mathematical nerds among us, if we were to take into consideration the various combinations of mudras possible with the ten hand digits, the number is ten factorial (10 x 9 x 8 . Opens the heart chakra and allows you to feel unconditional love. It is very helpful. Both hands hold an Utpala flower symbol that represents purity, enlightenment . But Karana mudra is not only for depression. To make this mudra, you bring your palms together in front of your heart space, fingers pointing upwards, and thumbs close to the chest, to symbolize honor, respect, and devotion. Gently join your fingertips to touch at the center of your chest. Often when you struggle to love yourself, confidence can be a big part of that. To perform this mudra, come to sit comfortably, either on a chair or on a cushion. And this is important. Mudras can be performed with the hands, the head, the perineum, and even through specific shapes created with our entire body. To practice this mudra, come into a comfortable, steady seat either on a chair or on a cushion. Vitarka mudra literally means Gesture for discussion. Notice how it shifts your state of feeling whenever you bring your hands to prayer position. Mudra Wikipedia, Mudras of the Great Buddha Stanford University You can practice this at any time throughout your day to help revitalize and focus your mind. Thank you., Thank you for share clarity and meaning of mudras, Always love to learn more like this Our middle finger connects us to the planet Saturn. With the tips of your thumbs, press down on the tips of the opposite little finger. Q To practice apan vayu mudra, sit cross-legged and rest your hands on your thighs with the palms facing upwards towards the sky. The heart and the lung areas undergo an expansion, a happy state of mind and the chest expands with love, affection, kindness and compassion. What are Mudras? Chin Mudra. Go through the gate, and the studio is to your right. Typically the right hand is at chest or shoulder level. The first benefit is that the Cosmic Mudra brings balance and harmony to your mind. Often, we are good at offering compassion to others, but not so good at being kind to ourselves. Slowly begin to guide your palms in to touch one another at the center of your chest. Similarly, the placement of the dharma chakra mudra in your home can inspire movement and flow. This is held at around chest level. I will do my best to understand better by holding these shapes in meditation. The Mudra of Fearlessness or the Abhaya Mudra symbolizes the dispelling of fear. This Mudra helps in curing mind related issues such as hysteria, depression, Schizoprenia and anger. It allows us to live freely without insecurities, jealousy, and fear. There are a great number of variations of this mudra in Mahayana Buddhism. The earth was touched and witnessed the awakening. Most yoga mudras are hand positions (with some body positions) that creates a gesture to help stimulate the various forms of energy within the body. Join us for a gentle guided meditatio. Even the most enlightened people experience negative states of mind. Many of them symbolize major moments or events in the Buddhas life. The left hand is in the meditation (dhyana) mudra, while the right hand is upright with the palm facing outward. Mudras are practiced to bring balance in the body with respect to the major elements (air, water, fire, earth and space) within the body. After all, you know yourself better than anyone else. This can lead to a feeling . Pure and beautiful. You can use it for mental stability, calmness, and security. It also symbolizes the Turning of the Wheel of the Dharma or Dharmachakra. You can find her at her new site:, Yogapedia Terms: In this detail from a thangka print, the historical Buddha is depicted seated in meditation and calling the earth as his witness. Hakini mudra is an excellent hand gesture to cultivate the qualities of focus and concentration. The lotus flower grows from the muck and mud of the pond into such a pristine expression of mother naturejust as we grow more and more compassionate and open-hearted through our own suffering. A wheel rotates, and so represents movement and transition. Keep your pinky fingers stretched outward. Clap the hands together firmly 3 times, hard enough so that they sting just a little bit. The Mudras of Great Compassion Dharani Warning: These pictures are for reference only, and the transliteration. The five fingers represent the five perfections: generosity, morality, patience, diligence, and meditation. 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