Let me remind the author that the crazies actually showed up at Tuckers house and threatened his family. It is particularly frustrating, though, when folks like Carlson actually provide cover and defense for the Jews. And since when has the DR ever been the courageous defender of the truth? What are libertarian principles, and why are they wrong? The china commies are in antifa (want socialists to win and to have huawei 5g and open borders to steal WHITE innovation and technology)., For more on that very subject check out this excellent interview. I dont think that any of us on the DR expect Tucker to NTJ, as we know it would be his death knell. Classical Liberalism and Unrestrained Capitalism are far more Anglo Protestant than Jewish. . A number were Aryanized and several served in the military. Apparently he is unwilling or unable to grasp the alternative, namely, that Jews are a distinct ethnicity with distinct genetics, and therefore with distinct skills, abilities, values, and group interestsmany of which directly conflict with those of Whites. But lets get this straight: Both Iraq wars (1991 and 2003) and the war in Afghanistan were Jewish-instigated neo-con wars on behalf of Israelperiod. Hitler was the greatest enemy and destroyer of other white people. I formally vowed never to subject myself to the tribes intrusion into my life through these means, but talk of TC is still everywhere including TheRightStuffs various shows. What is White to you, Richard B? There are good things, and there are bad things. Conflating Right with White is one of the many reasons Whites wont make it. They married in February 1989 and for years afterward they would split their time between the Pyrenees of southwest France and South Carolina's Sea Islands. We are dealing here with genetic, in-born traits that reach their highest and most ruthless fulfillment in such men. '. Not even St. Adolf The Slav butcher completely excluded Jews. A mother abandons a child and he includes this in a third rate critique. It must end now, as Tucker saysthough he will never speak the truth about these conflicts. We may request cookies to be set on your device. He grew up in the wealthy community of La Jolla, California, and was schooled in Switzerland and at the prestigious Trinity College in Connecticut, eventually earning a degree in history. And that very same day, April 15th, 2020 another Fox News Liberal, Mister Neil Cavuto, did that to Mister Bill Donoghue: https://www.mediaite.com/tv/fox-anchor-hangs-up-on-bill-donohue-for-speculating-about-cause-of-notre-dame-fire/. She obviously adores the humanitarian of chaos and deconstruction, Mister George Soros. Why was Napoleon merely sent to live on an isolated island when France was finally defeated in 1815, when after WW II Germanys top leaders were murdered after show trials at Nuremberg and millions of other Germans killed by the allies (after the war was over)? We all need to cleanse ourselves of Jews first and foremost, and that is exactly what Adolf Hitler recommended. Democrats also claim to support our troops but find it impossible to end our hopeless foreign wars and bring the troops home, or to dismantle our global network of imperial military outposts that costs taxpayers upwards of $500 billion a year. One of the dudes got death penalty, one got life (he snitched) the 3rd died in prison. That was funny. But its all a lot of fun. Now, in general, I try to avoid assigning blame for an individuals faults to his past or his family. As Ive said many times already, I do not like the term White for we European people, and try not to use it, for the very reasons you give here. They married in 2019 and had a boy in 2020. They opposed the communists to stop and oppose the Jewish mass murderers that founded and dominated the USSR. The primary rule: never question, challenge, or out your bosses; always stick to the party line. So theyre not European. It could be that Lachlan Murdoch who as Ruperts No1 son, these days runs Fox News is about the same age as Tucker. Something is going to give (with Tucker) sooner or later. The germans got stuck with a crazy berb (north african prt) crazy warmongering drug addict bastard who had kids with eva braun who was part jew and a latina (braun =brown). But in this case, Carlsons family history reveals a fairly lengthy tale of woe, malfeasance, and assorted immoralities; surely this has some bearing on his beliefs and actions as an adult. The Jewish Question is, as always, That Which Shall Not Be Spoken.[8]. If Jews have to intermarry with Europeans to become White, they are not White to begin with. *, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_k0tPnoWfV4, Especially at 2:44 the way he pauses and looks when he says he wants to give America the warning.. And Tucker may in fact be much more aware of Jewish and racial issues than he lets on. God bless, Aristo Boho. Thank you very much for your informed, detailed response to my Thank you. No sir! is it probably because Carlson as member of Ruling Class thinks if they replace White factory workers with Somalis, replace Whites with blacks and browns as police officers and prosecutors they will behave exactly as Whites they replaced and uphold the current Ruling Class status quo. The whole nazi thing like the ideology failed. I shouldnt waste anymore words with a pretentious pseudo-intellectual peasant like yourself. Coerced? 1) major Y-DNA haplogroups among Jewish men (E1b1b, J2, R1b) are shared by hundreds of millions of European men (E1b1b the haplogroup of Lyndon Johnson, the Wright Bros., Napoleon, Garibaldi, Willian Harvey, Caravaggio, LOL HITLER); 2) the large and famous mtDNA study Richards et al, 2013 found that 81% of Asknenazi mitochondrial DNA, maternal heritage, is traceable to ancient and prehistoric indigenous European women; 3) its woefully dumb to say the Whites homeland is Europe AND Ukraine AND Russiawhen in fact the latter two are part of Europe, not outside it LOL; and in fact the region in which we Indo-Europeans emerged is the Pontic-Caspian Steppe, now Southern Russia; 4) the ethnic-genetic heritage of West Asia is not only Semitic (which does not mean non-Whitefor example the Phoenicians) but Indo-European, as IEs not only migrated to every part of Europe but to the Near and Middle East, among their descendants being the Hittites, Lydians, Lycians, Phrygians, Galatians (West Asian Celts), Ionian Greeks, Armenians, Kurds, Persians (and so unsurprisingly the Y-DNA study Nebel et al, 2001 found that Middle Eastern Jews are more closely related to Asian-IE groups like the Kurds and Armenians than to their Arab neighbors. But as hes said himself, he also knew he had tenure. Tucker Carlson's mother, Lisa McNear Lombardi, was a free-spirited artist who largely disappeared from Tucker's life. Barnes believes Lombardi was overlooked since the contemporary art scene at the time was so male-dominated. Tucker is never cut off. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8rJbAPxcAk My point is that Mister Ledger is saying what no other main stream newsman-host, including Mister Tucker Carlson, has outrightly stated. George Wilmarth Nickel No, the people of the British Isles were not that way until they became acquainted with Jews, and adopted Jewish practices OR used Jews to provide them with economic advantages. For those of us who started down that path decades ago, its funny to watch the stuff that neophytes have to learn, like a mechanic watching someone fresh out of school change oil on the job for the first time, but there is value in it. Likewise, Tucker hates riots and anarchy because they threaten the comfortable order of the economic elites. Nor are we concerned with haplogroups or thousand year old migratory patterns, but with who we will racially identify with and include today. Have you noticed how often Trump brings up his line about certain people having good genes? Its truly hilarious and outrageous. Wake up! *nostrils more like slits than round; Note: Joe, its always better to know before assuming. Your nasty form of Classical Liberalism is simply incompatible with any healthy nationalism, and that is what we need, not warmed-over American constitution worship nor any other conservative dead-end. *more body hair and heavier beards.. Now, the bulk of Jews, especially Ashkenazi Jews, share such traits with non-Jewish Europeansso that LOL we are continually wondering whether this or that person is Jewish or one of us, a question we usually surmount by consulting Wikipedia lol. Few in the DR are rich. Jews flock to power, and those in power, at least the most depraved and corrupt ones, are only too happy to cement their Jewish family connections. I wouldnt believe anything you say about your ethnicity youre anonymous arent you? He traded transparency of his personal life and past in for the money. He truly believes in the multi-racial society, as you yourself said. Protest write to your president and congressmen. Lisa McNear Lombardi. Molly Barnes, who exhibited their work in 1983 and 1984, remembers Lombardi was "bohemian," very ambitious," and "somewhat withdrawn. She was ill-content.". Except that intermarriage took place long ago not just a few decades ago. When President Donald John Trump spoke to the nation that there was a pandemic, then Mister Hannity cleverly got himself out of it by saying there had been a paradigm shift. Carlson's parents divorced after their nine year-marriage reportedly "turned sour.". People are, for the most part, responsible adults, and must be held personally responsible for their own actions. Can you define it, please? The problem with white nationalists is that few can define what is white. If Greeks, Southern Italians, Spaniards, Romanians, Serbs, etc are white, than so are Ashkenazis, many of whom have blonde or red hair, blue/green eyes. What I take from the piece is less the authors frustration than his almost homicidal hateand not just for Carlson. It is interesting that I read on this site criticism of the Leftist claim that white people have no group interests which need defending. Name one that opposes globalism or mass third-world immigration? This definition of Caucasian is from my late 20th Century Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary: Of or relating to the white race as defined by law specifically as composed of persons of European, North African and Southwestern Asian ancestry., Thats based on the ethnology of a prior, politically incorrect era; and, while not perfect (there are many non-White people in North Africa and West Asiathough primarily because of a relatively recent Trans-Sahara Slave Trade). [6] This certainly helped his political future, considering that the Judeophile and Judenknecht Obama soon thereafter chose him as his running mate. While others will stop and not do certain things, the Jews will do whatever it takes. Tucker and Buchanan could build an internet platform. 66. Thus, by all accounts, Tucker is doing quite well for himself these days. That Dalton loathes Carlson so deeply is a sure sign that I have undervalued his merit and importance. The debate here has led, among other things, to the question of whether Trump is a worthy leader. Web5 Tucker Carlson's mother Lisa McNear died in October 2011, due to cancer Credit: FOX NEWS Following their divorce, Richard was granted custody of Carlson and his younger Were they bribed? What are we left with? Carlson is also keeping his post as the host of his weekly primetime show, Tucker Carlson Tonight. The excuse: Coronavirus Disease-2019. Put plainly, what he ought to be decrying is that most people pay far too much in taxesand are taxed for far too many things!not that the rich pay far too little. None whom I know, and certainly none with any knowledge of the facts. This is a fine example of the inherent inability of the opponents of Leftism to unite. You get things very confused because you cant stop talking. So Ill work for Trump and meanwhile keep prepping for crisisstockpile, train, networkand I exhort all Euro-Americans reading this to do likewise. Why go after Boy Scout Tucker Carlson? [1] Dick Carlson ended up being interviewed by Mike Wallace for 60 Minutes, as part of the larger scandal. To see all content on The Sun, please use the Site Map. *deep-set eyes; But for left-leaning White broadcasters like Anderson Cooper, Chris Cuomo, and Chris Hayes to provide active cover and defense for Jews is utterly appalling. Hes pro-Trump and anti-liberal. Today, at age 79, he has settled into a comfortable retirement. etc.etc.etc. https://files.magzter.com/resize/magazine/1369067063/1600266002/view/2.jpg. This is no small task. JOE . The video podcast series, titled Tucker Carlson Today, will take on much of the format ofTucker Carlson Tonightwith interviews and topical discussions. Her father, Oliver Lombardi, was a prominent insurance broker. So that is my own argument youre giving me!! I take what is positive. You can check these in your browser security settings. To this day, there are still some 5,000 troops in Iraq and about 7,000 in Afghanistan, fighting terrorists who might someday threaten Jews in Israel. Wealthy capitalist parasites need to be taxed more, not less. *cut off funding for Critical Race Theory seminarsi.e., White-guilt indoctrination sessions; Right here at FameChain. Many of the things you pride yourself on hating are indeed worthless, but your pride obviously also extends to being complaisantly ignorant of what it is about them that makes them so. On Murdochs origins: And no Jews are white. [8] Im tempted to call it the elephant in the room, but that would be an insult to elephants, so I wont. https://theeuropeanfamily.com/f/caucasian-cousins-worldwide. One more point: Mister Gingrich is very astute and intelligent, yet he plays a power game. Lombardi joined the LA art scene and befriended David Hockney. He also led Radio Marti broadcasting to Cuba, and was director of the US Information Agency and the USIA Documentary Film Service. McDermott grew ill from alcohol consumption and died from liver failure in 1988, according to the Sunday Times. A typical Carlson viewer, however, could be excused for thinking that such people as Jews didnt even existunless it involves calling attention to anti-Semitism and Jewish victimhood. Date of birth. He did for example a good piece on Singers jewish Vulture fund. Yes. If Rupert was here Id shake his hand. Now Trump sais hes gonna label the kkk (& antifa) a terrorist organization. Eight months before her death from cancer in 2011, she had a joint exhibition with Vaughan at Redfern Gallery. Jewish usury and greed corrupted the Anglos, then the Americans and much of the European continent. Carlson has too much stature. The trouble is that too many WNs entertain an anthropology befitting homo erectus, and their denial of Whiteness to obviously White Jews is merely valuation-based, much like that of American WASPs who denied Whiteness to the Irish on the score of the latters Catholicism. The marriage grew contentious, and when Richard was offered a job as a local news anchor in San Diego, he took his boys there while Lombardi stayed in LA and they tried to resolve their issues. *Drug Addiction We must never expect Carlson to support WN. I would really like to see an interview with Ted Turner and the issue of Jews brought up. You know, truthfully I really mean this: I would like to meet this slob Dalton and punch him right the jaw and knock his teeth out! Jews have not been hermetically sealed off in ghettos but intermarried frequently with their host peoples. The pair lived and worked together in a small Hollywood studio for nearly a decade but did not seem happy, friends said. Jews are doing everything which so-called anti-Semites accuse them of doing. While the official and real policy of Germany was no violence against Jews, the Jews carried out assassinations against German politicians and violence against German supporters abroad and against National Socialists in Germany. Now, as part of the dudes got death penalty, one got life he! Because they threaten the comfortable order of the inherent inability of the elites. From cancer in 2011, she had a joint exhibition with Vaughan at Redfern Gallery an individuals faults to past. Trump brings up his line about certain people having good genes, and must be held personally responsible for own... Tucker ) sooner or later because they threaten the comfortable order of the opponents of Leftism to unite authors than... Taxed more, not less Right with white nationalists is that few can define what white... 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