There were headlines saying that the Baltic Dry Index [Global shipping of raw materials] was dead and that nothing was moving in trade around the world. . Rabbis . The vultures were heavy and had food hanging out of their mouths but it was rotted. FEMA centers are setup. And then on the 26th of this week, this past week, this week were living in right now, the rest of it cameso Im calling this the towers, trains, and chains dream. Order by Phone at 888-809-8385 oronlineathttps://mitocopper.comM - F9am to 5pm EST, Order by Phone at 866-388-7003or onlineathttps://www.herbanomic.comM-F9am to 5pmEST, Order by Phone at 866-388-7003or onlineat https://www.herbanomics.comM -F9am to 5pmEST. Disasters, Featured, Health, Life, Politics, Strange, U.S. The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Christ; the Lord, and against His anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. So Brace yourself and tell others that I have warned them to brace themselves for they are about to see even more shocking things.. 5 ways to stop an asteroid from crashing into Earth Noel Wong @ FMT Lifestyle June 30, 2022 7:00 AM Imagine this if you will: Tomorrow, you read the news to find that sea levels are still rising as are food prices. Before then, all the ice of the poles will have melted. The destruction and dislocation of civilized life will be beyond belief. The mules started moving but Biden was oblivious to as the wagon started picking up speed heading toward a target. So Im going to share this dream Im calling the desert road dream. Things will not go as we expect. it was obvious these people were driving like crazy going someplace and coming away from another place. Contempt, disdain, laughter, mockery, ridicule, scorn, sneering, laughingstock, joke, object of ridiculeetc., etc., etc. Well and bottled water are considered safe. Of course not! March Madness Begins via Pete Santilli, New Clif High: We All Know! there's a church that is awake and. I will never walk the Earth a second time. Mark 13:18 'Pray that it may not happen in winter. However, there were Christians who stood out because of their faith and their hope in Christ. it kept apparent on the front page of the [], The Canary in the Coal Mine Dream TRANSCRIPT Dec. 1, 2022 [I] had this dream between December 1st and December 5th. Saw the calendar page for December & January, finger slowly underline as if pushing it. I had it Saturday night October 15 2022 and here it is. We value your opinions, and would love to see you add to the discussion! We as Christians need to be very careful in how we judge others, and make sure we have all the relevant facts. Before It's News is a community of individuals who report on what's going on around them, from all around the world. Your channel for complete teaching about the end times and the coming asteroid in the Bible called Wormwood. transcript-, Jesus Honour Me by trusting in Me in your day of trouble/spirit/2020/10/jesus-amid-conflict-my-righteousness-prevails-given-october-10th-2020-2518390.html, Marys messages/spirit/2020/05/marys-messages-to-help-us-during-tribulation-period-2517355.html, Jesus messages/spirit/2020/05/jesus-messages-about-the-tribulation-continue-2517364.html, Lucia reveals the Third Secret of Fatima I will not walk in the flesh. He began to see dreams and visions in his teens. If the website is not updating, clear your web browser cache. || Moreover, the atmospheric layers will be changed. Posted by Gary Ritter | June 11, 2021. ***Support We Love Trump and Mike Lindell plus get up to 66% off -- use promo code WLT at***, I think youre going to really enjoy this one. The 1,120-foot-wide (340-meter) object will pass close to Earth at approximately 19,000 miles (31,000 kilometers), bringing it closer to Earth than most geostationary communication satellites. William Branham had some controversial doctrines and was against women preachers, but God does not speak only to perfect people with perfect doctrines. He then reported seeing cities on fire, and headlines reading,"Trump Victory Challenged," protestors coming to life in the streets, and a person with a sign reading, "the obvious winner is not so obvious.". I also saw the city of St. Louis and men under the Arch with suitcases who were getting into black SUVs and headed east and west from the Mississippi River. The asteroid was []. I saw that traffic was very heavy and at times bumper to bumper. Vatican Dishonored Pope Benedict: Scapular: of La Salette Prophecy: h. The thing to understand with dreams is that they are generally highly symbolic. According to NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory, its about 3,280 feet in diameter and is moving at 43,754 miles per hour. Dana originally put these dreams on Facebook for his small circle within his church. Cisco, TX 76437, Whistle Blower Jeff Over the months, many people have been very critical of the dreams and of Dana Coverstone I think unjustly. DREAM TRANSCRIPT Jun 30, 2021 hey everybody out there and uh i dont know what you know it used to be tv land now its internet land those of you out there in uh in stream yard land thank you for joining us i see someone got off their mower and came inside to listen and cool off so if we can keep you out of the heat were glad to do that good to have my good friend sheree golf with me today and gonna share gonna share a dream that i really honestly thought [], THE TESTING FLOOR & Watchmen and the Fire Wind DREAMS TRANSCRIPT Jun 9, 2021 hey good afternoon folks appreciate those that have already been on here waiting to to uh hear whats going on whats happening i want to thank you for being a part of this uh for those been following since the first stream im grateful for that i do not take advan i do not take that for granted by any means um im thankful first of all the lord is is waking people up hes shaking the church hes shaking the nation and so grateful [], THE FLAMING SPEAR DREAM TRASCRIPT Apr 13, 2021 Thisdream went from April 11th to 19th. I saw a person with a sign that read The Obvious Winner Is Not So Obvious, and he held his head in shame. Upon their composition depends the stability of the planet. On August, 17 2020, Dana dreamt that he saw a calendar month of November, dirty and torn. Freedom-fighters recognize the world is being deceived; and help reveal that which is hidden. Give, and you will receive. There was no one in the stands and the lights were off and the [], WALL STREET BARTER DREAM TRANSCRIPT Jul 2, 2021 hey good afternoon everybody thank you so much for being with us i see everybody from this from the gulf coast to nebraska to the rockies we got people from all over america thank you for being a part of this and im thankful that god is speaking um just this morning i received probably seven different emails from people having dreams uh dreams about jesus saying come up here dreams about people being lifted into the air ive had people send me dreams about giving birth to things and they [], WHO ARE YOU? Prophetic-Dream-Dana-Coverstone-December-January-2021-Nuclear-Suitcase-Bombs (2) Download PDF here Transcript Prophetic Dream - Events for December 2020 & January 2021. Part 2 With Dana Coverstone's dream about Dec and Jan, this top could be the final top, especially if $8.05 is reached. The Holy Father was asked, What about the Third Secret of Fatima? There appeared to be shopping malls that had been converted into shelters or living quarters, with most of the businesses therein shuttered. I saw more big cities with pillars of smoke over them like the wild firestorms in CA. Search for: Follow Michael A. Morales on Recent Posts. - Mark Steele Weapons Expert Goes Through LED Street Iight to Prove it's a Weapon! I also saw trees in the background that were leafless yet a few trees that still had a scarce amount of leaves had them turned as if rain was coming. #apophis #asteroidstrike #wormwood #BibleProphecy, Discover the Wormwood Prophecy and the revelation of the Seven Trumpets of Revelation. Dana Coverstone made some bold prophecies that he claims God told him earlier this year. (Video), PANIC! DS Looking To Hide Deeper Crimes! I saw tired crowds and tired people and many who had lost the resolve to fight due to the emotional overcast of the nation. I also noted that there were no Christmas lights or displays anywhere. I saw a finger underline slowly and forcefully December, then flip into January where the finger underlined it just as slow. Most Christians are wearing costumes and playing games with God. Shooting etc. Hillary Clinton was standing behind President Trump who was on his knees and she held a Roman Gladius knife to the left side of his neck. Hillary tried to pull her leg away but could not and the wagon struck her and there was a great explosion which damaged buildings and a big hole. but one prominent number was heralded there and that being 8 billion. Oxy Powder- Natural Colon Cleanser! Agenda 2030 Exposed Part 1 Agenda 2030 Exposed Part 2, Preparing For the Wormwood Asteroid Impact Prophesied in the Book of Revelation, Pastor Dana Coverstone Dreams Transcripts, The Headlines, The Sheep, and The Goats Dream TRANSCRIPT Jan. 2, 2023, The Canary in the Coal Mine Dream TRANSCRIPT Dec. 1, 2022, The Halloween Dream TRANSCRIPT Oct. 15, 2022, We Are Watching You Dream TRANSCRIPT September 5, 2022, The Hail To The Chief Dream TRANSCRIPT Aug. 13, 2022, The Precision Dream TRANSCRIPT Jul 8, 2022, The Millstone Dream TRANSCRIPT Jun 3, 2022, The Fire Tower Dream TRANSCRIPT Apr 16, 2022, The Shutting Down The Machines Dream TRANSCRIPT Mar 15, 2022, The Rockwell Dream TRANSCRIPT Feb 12, 2022, The 2022 Jets Dream TRANSCRIPT Feb 2, 2022, The 3 Dragons Dream TRASCRIPT Dec 18, 2021, You Are Over the Target Dream TRANSCRIPT November 18, 2021, THE DESERT ROAD DREAM TRANSCRIPT Oct 20 -26, 2021, The Specialist DREAM TRANSCRIPT Sep 22, 2021, Get Out While You Can And Take others With You Dream TRANSCRIPT August 14, 2021, Towers, Trains and Chains Dream TRANSCRIPT July 12, 2021, WALL STREET BARTER DREAM TRANSCRIPT Jul 2, 2021, WHO ARE YOU? Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? Get Out While You Can And Take others With You okay the dream began with a flipping of newspapers and headlines. There was TV screens. There may be actual events the dreams bring forth, but the symbolism is the key. Sample Page; ; These are of two videos of more than two dreams given to Pastor Dana Coverstone during August and September of this year. Their ideas will have the power to circulate freely as the air and light of our days.. || The cause is commonly an adverse reaction to a vaccine., Dr Otto Warburg the prime cause of Cancer Freedom-fighters must recognize Prince Michael, Chief of the Archangels, the Commander-in-Chief; and use His Sword of Truth. Things are going to happen all over world, not just in the United States, when the United States falls. I first saw a light in the sky, a very large light [nb. it was sitting on a stand. I saw the calendar and it was turned to the month of November and it had shadows flickering all over it. PO BOX 44 Dr. Maurice Sklar is a highly decorated classical violinist, and his decades of ministry have earned him great respect throughout the Christian world. Before that terrible Day, Elijah The Prophet will be sent to warn the world to return to the Laws of Moses (Gods Law) or be damned to hell-fire. but between the two runners there was a large [], Rats in the Sewer Dream TRANSCRIPT Apr 7, 2021 hey everybody i want to thank you for joining us this afternoon ive got sheree goff uh a good friend and sister in christ pastors wife there in arkansas works in the prophetic someone who ive come to trust and appreciate in this in this new arena that ive been walking in since uh june of last year and im going to be sharing a dream today im simply calling it the rats in the sewer dream and i had it between march 18th and even just recently when i [], Bidens House A Series of Dreams TRANSCRIPT Mar 13, 2021 hey good morning everybody so glad to have you with us i already see weve got folks from great britain france um all the way ill say aloha to the one in hawaii whos watching this morning uh many many states represented want to thank you for coming on and listening um and i want to appreciate those of you who have been praying about the dreams and following through and not just taking them running with them i when i have these dreams i share them with [], THE MUD DREAM TRANSCRIPT Feb 24, 2021 hey everybody i appreciate you being with us this is pastor dana coverstone here with my good friends john redenbauer and sheree goff and going to be sharing a dream that i had from february 18th to the 20th and im discovering the value of having good friends that will pray and not just look at the dream and think what does this mean who will pray who will hear the spirits voice and so im grateful for to my two really great friends who helped help me with this dream and [], THE BUNKER DREAM TRANSCRIPT Feb 12, 2021 hey good afternoon it is friday february 12th at 12 oclock noon uh central time and theres a lot of things happening in washington dc and uh im going to be sharing a dream that im calling the bunker drainer and i want to just give some very very clear up front and very very uh specific instructions on what were doing today um when sheree begins to do some interpretation this dream we are focusing today only on the spiritual aspect of it im asking you to listen to it im [], They Dont Hate Me, They Hate You Dream TRASCRIPT Jan 26, 2021 The dream Ive had in the last several of this last weekend. The liver is a living laboratory and on being attacked by the ingestion of radioactive elements scattered about the world, it will lose its ability to produce the elements for bodily defenses. When I come back it will be to Judge. In the dream I was in an office that appeared to be a Wall Street professional business type office. In Heaven, there is no time. Many rejected their approach, but they kept the faith and they did not back down from telling the lost they needed Jesus desperately at that moment. These are of two videos of more than two dreams given to Pastor Dana Coverstone during August and September of this year. New Prophecy Word Update Dec 16, 2020 - Dana Coverstone Practical Prayer in the Spirit 5 Manag-ing Third Party \u0026 Supply Chain Risk Nicola Crawford The three secrets of resilient people | Lucy Hone | TEDxChristchurch Victor Davis Hanson - World War II Leadership The Laws of Human Nature | Robert Greene | Talks at Google Langdon Winner III Cisco, TX 76437, Whistle Blower Jeff The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.,¤cy_code=USD, If you are uncomfortable with those options. I decided to make a page with all the Dana Coverstone Dreams and messages onto one page instead of keeping them all on top this one will replace those that had been on top. The conflict in Ukraine has reached such a dangerous phase. Oh, and a world-ending asteroid is headed straight for Earth. an EMP? and there were two male runners who appeared on a running track. transcript-, Dana Coverstone Prophetic Dream About December 2020 October 20, 2021. I saw ships in ports on both coasts sitting idle and nothing at sea moving. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Receive new blog posts direct to your email inbox: Copyright 2023, Gary W. Ritter. in other words, hard working hands, [], The Snake Chain Dream TRANSCRIPT Dec 14, 2020 hey everybody pastor dana coverstone and i am at nashville arkansas at first islam of god uh with my good friends and were here to unpack a dream and we spent a couple hours last night you can see the marker board behind me we impact the dream ive recently had this is our first time to meet like this and uh so uh were excited about it and hope itll be the first of many times but this is john redenbauer redembo and sheree goff and we are here to []. I kept looking at my watch. Monday August 24 In other words, get rid of disease by not acidifying your body with meat and vaccines. || The upper layers of the atmosphere produce or prevent earthquakes. WASHINGTON: Woman Reportedly to be Arrested Friday For Forced Tuberculosis Treatment, Florida State Senator Introduces Bill to Cancel States Democrat Party, After School Satan Club Coming to a Elementary School Near You, DEVELOPING: Man Arrested For Allegedly Placing Explosive Device in Checked Luggage at Pennsylvania Airport, MONTANA: Proposed Bill Would Ban COVID-19 Jab Recipients From Donating Blood. Apparently the Jewish Rothschild Banking family is underwriting/ paying for, the revolution in America, just as it did for the formation of Israel in 1948, the Maoist Revolution in China from 1966 1976, the overthrow of the Romanovs in 1917 to turn Russia communistic until the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991 overseen by President Mikhail Gorbachev who stepped down in 1991.. leading a small church who started posting his dreams online and suddenly the videos went viral in the Summer of 2020. Exactly 2,000 years later the judgment against the sin begins. it went from October 20th to October 26th., Please include a date that these were received, Please specify if your name should be used. This is massive encouragement. Please read on, follow the links below, do your own research, and remain calm with the help of the Holy Spirit-life force that is within you. Note that Covid19 and the next, second wave of Covid (20 or 21) were not made in China but in Maryland USA, in the class 4 laboratory at Fort Detrick, according to the Rockefeller Foundation paper read out by the President of Ghana in the video. I now remind them. There were people huddled together and shivering, individuals laying on cots, suitcases all over the place and desperate looks on the faces of most everyone. Elijah was and is a man among us with a simple Message. UFO Contact from the Pleiades I dont usually want to make comments about the dreams.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The asteroid, whichNASAcalls (7842) 1994 PC1, was actually first discovered in 1994. ), video. You can also click here to see them as well it might be easier for some to find and follow up. They were dressed as businessmen and had copies of the Wall Street Journal under their arms and heavily tinted sunglasses. HNEX HydroNano EXtracellular Water- Improve immune system health andreduce inflammation. You had cubicles. America, Dream, Economic Collapse, Famine,, Given to Pastor Dana Coverstone from August 28 to September 4th, 2020. the moon was full. Be prepared three ways: spiritually in your frequency, mentally in controlling your force (how you use it), and physically in stocking up on food, water and planting things to eat in your garden or in pots, perhaps self-watering for better water usage. Phanuel saw faz rise from $8.43 to $11.43 all of a sudden. ZACK MASON has the highlights and a good interpretation of this dream. [], 6000 Years Since Sin and The Year 2029 Exactly, to the very day if you take 2 Peter 3:8 literally and precisely, 4,000 years prior to the ministry of Jesus was when Adam sinned.