With these goals in mind, in . Very clearly the Torah says choose life." City Moving Slowly I had to do a lot of reading to understand mRNA and I still think I barely understand it. We would like to bring to the readers attention our perspective and experience on these important issues as they navigate these difficult questions. The biggest class of drugs that are an exemplar of this is the CNS class (or Central Nervous System). It would take many people (say those in the lowest 25% quartile) an incredible amount of work to understand if the vaccines are harmful or not. This verse told, more than 3,000 years ago, to stay away from vaccine practices. The biggest thing we can do to those in our church is to help them understand how to discern truth. Subject: Religious Exemption To Whom It May Concern: I, Yesenia Fuentes, as the parent of David Santos and Daniel Fuentes am exercising my right under the . One little-noticed Supreme Court ruling upended decades of precedent. The conscience and religious belief belongs to the individual, not another person and not a body (church or otherwise). So when sin through creation creates a virus, man has been given the ability not to just sit back in faith and wait for God, God gave him the wisdom, physical capabilities and the ability to create to subdue thevirus. Thus, a strong religious exemption would be based on recognized scriptural precept or a particular church or traditions confession or teaching. 5:18, 20). But What Counts as Religious? New York Times, 11 September 2021, https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/11/us/covid-vaccine-religion-exemption.html?smid=url-share. -Joseph Grigg (1720-1768). Its biblicalanthropology. In this type of situation, they would claim the requirements violate their religious beliefs and seek formal religious exemptions. Maybe so. Amos 1:13, Matthew 18:1-4, and Matthew 19:13-15 are just a few verses that illustrate the aforementioned children as blessings from God that are valued and loved by him, their Creator, in . There are also a lot of Bible verses exhorting believers to "do not fear," "do not be afraid." That's been a really common theme in objections to a lot of the pandemic restrictions. So if we are going to talk about being careful with sources and data, then lets begin by being careful with sources and data. I came up in the Church of Christ in the '60s, so I know about religious exemptions. "The flu would most likely require hospitalization and COVID. As just a preliminary step to justify this argument one would have to establish a basis for the division of clean and unclean foods, and I wish you luck as you survey the literature on that topic! This definition of sin is also specious. Pauls warning is not about the pollution of their individual physical bodies, nor any threat from outside. Yet asserting flimsy demands for religious vaccine exemptions will have the opposite effect. She quoted a passage from the New Testament: Let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit.[1], The Louisiana Attorney General provides a sample exemption letter with an identical objection. If you are a cancer patient, sometimes you are not to receive vaccines people who are allergic to any component of the vaccine, Tseng said. Pentagon Prepares for Island Combat in the Pacific as US-China Tensions Rise, Bidens Chip War With China Is an Imperial Struggle for High-Tech Supremacy, Republicans Are Working on Making 70 the New Social Security Retirement Age, Rupert Murdoch Admits Fox Hosts Were Endorsing False Election Fraud Claims, I Am Fired Up: Sanders, Warren Join Rally for Student Debt Cancellation, Voter Suppression Laws Are Targeting Youth But They Are Fighting Back, Pences Handling of COVID Is Straight Out of the Christian Right Playbook, A Christian Nationalist Group Is Quietly Shaping Bills for State Legislatures, DeSantis Plans to Skip CPAC, While Trump Remains Featured Speaker. I think this disinformation that is just exploding is a precursor to what is coming for the church. His views dont necessarily represent those of his employers. Its a symptom of what Scot McKnight has described as a puzzle piece hermeneutic rather than a contextual reading of the bible as a story. People look for us to be models of . Mine are nodifferent. Yes, some Catholics might believe the COVID-19 pandemic evil enough and the participation remote enough to justify the shot. The Third Commandment tells us we must not misuse Gods name (Ex 20:7; Deut 5:11). But the long-term consequences for religious liberty are what Im most worried about: that so many of these exemption requests seem mislabeled or disingenuous will invite courtsand the publicto place a tourniquet on religious exemptions generally (i.e., beyond the pandemic context). That dont make it so. Religious Exemptions and the COVID Vaccine, https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/11/us/covid-vaccine-religion-exemption.html?smid=url-share, http://ladoj.ag.state.la.us/Article/10941, https://healthfreedomidaho.org/sample-letter-for-religious-vaccine-exemption/, https://lc.org/Site%20Images/Resources/Memo-SampleCOVID-ReligiousExemptionRequests-07262021.pdf, A violation of the equal protection clause, https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2021-08-10/white-evang, https://www.wsj.com/articles/white-evangelicals-resist-covid-19-vaccine, Some vaccines are no longer connected to aborted fetalcells, The cells used today are in some cases 15,000 generations away from the aborted cellsthemselves, Practically every major anti-abortion groups have not raised concerns with the current vaccines and all provide recommendations to take thevaccine, I religiously object to stop, drop, and roll because falling on the ground harms my body and my body is a temple of the HolySpirit, I religiously object to wearing a seatbelt because the belt chafes my skin and my body is a temple of the HolySpirit. If claims like the latter were adequate for religious exemptions, people could excuse themselves from nearly any rulesomething no one thinks is sustainable. Could there be a point that vaccines are a gift of God? "Everything is from God, who has reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation. Instead, data suggests that refusing vaccination risks severe illness and possibly death. "As His people, we are subject to His will and. I was recently prescribed a statin after a recent exam, for high (though not ridiculous) LDL, and Im still trying to decide whether I want to start that medication or not. Essentially we are hoping they have an impact and the side effects are not too bad, because in general CNS drugs dont have great side effects. A service of Logos Bible Software. One organization, called Health Freedom Idaho, published a sample exemption letter on its website that used this objection and cited these passages. Before you say, he doesnt need to; just trust the experts, how does he know which ones to believe when the internet is telling him that many experts think itsharmful? If you have elderly friends or family. The Bible calls the human body "a temple of the Holy Spirit." The New Testament makes multiple references likening the human body to a temple. The temple of God objection is not a matter of conscience, its cowardice. If faced with such a mandate, some Christians will likely consider objecting to vaccination requirements on religious grounds. 4 Liberty Counsel, Sample Religious Exemption Requests For COVID Shot Mandates, 26 July 2021, p. 3. https://lc.org/Site%20Images/Resources/Memo-SampleCOVID-ReligiousExemptionRequests-07262021.pdf. But anyway, imagine thisargument, The situation isnt precisely parallel, but the similarities are interesting. A group called One Washington is holding seminars around the state to instruct people on how to ask for a religious exemption from the COVID-19 vaccine. Jeffrey Denny. How worried should we be about COVID conspiracies? I believe in and follow God and the principles laid out in His Word and I have a deeply held belief that vaccines violate them. The truth of what Paul wrote should matter more to us than the use to which it can be put in court. NBC 7 Investigates reached out to the Awaken Church by phone and e-mail multiple times to ask about their religious exemption letters. While a few employees might be entitled to religious exemptions from their employers vaccine policies, most of the real-life religious objections Ive seen fall short of the standard. Supposedly thats actually a known side effect but who knows. The likelihood of the cell line coming from an elective (immoral) abortion is extremely low, because elective abortions were illegal in The Netherlands at that time and it would have been almost impossible for the scientists who developed the HEK293 cell line to have acquired them from an elective abortion. What were doing (using we loosely here) is increasing our rapidly secularizing societys aversion to Christianity even as we win court battles here and there. Look anywhere, and you'll find professing Christians using God as justification for their unholy ways. In some cases the placebos are having a more profound affect than the drug that is being tested. If you dont want to get the vaccine, thats your choice. Here is a representative example from a professing Christian, quoted in the New York Times: My freedom and my childrens freedom and childrens childrens freedom are at stake, said Ms. Holmes, who lives in Indiana. It is worth stating unambiguously that there is no evidence that any of these things are true of the available COVID vaccines, beyond some extremely rare and typically mild side-effects. On a Friday evening in April, the Supreme Court quietly issued a short decision that opened the floodgates for religious entities to claim an exemption from just about any law. Evans said the threshold for religious exemptions comes down to proving whether the person attempting to obtain one has sincerely held beliefs against getting vaccinated on religious grounds. More, 901 Commerce Street, Suite 550 But did God really saythat? Many Christians are justifiably concerned about government overreach. I have never seen an interpreter who has argued that 1 Cor. And I am not so sure the church is acting properly toward ittoday. Many people are using Bible verses to justify their stance against vaccines. Photo courtesy of Erin Kirschner, Dr. William Tseng from Kaiser Permanente in San Diego. Even many of the objector's coreligionists don't agree with him. You are right that in 1 Cor. A relevant ethical question, drawn from scriptural teaching of the value of our bodies and treating them rightly, is whether vaccines harm the body. It must not be! He was a very intelligent man who nevertheless was poorly educated. Whenever he gets a cold, even just a minor cold, it just lingers in his chest, and he has a really hard time.. We plead on Christ's behalf, 'Be reconciled to God'" (2 Cor. What foolishness. And that was challenged when they mandated that all health care . There are undoubtedly people of faith with relevant moral and, or, theological concerns that could merit religious exemption. Jay Inslee's mandate that workers be fully vaccinated by Oct. 18 or lose their job, unless they . I think that there needs to be room given to those who are just plain ignorant about vaccines. Freedom of religion plays an important role in our society, but it is always in danger of being abused and misused. If claims like the latter were adequate for religious exemptions, people could excuse themselves from nearly any rulesomething no one thinks is sustainable. But weve also seen Christian right firms advocating for a broader range of conservative policies.. This is a violation of the Third Commandment. Some vaccines were developed using fetal cell lines from aborted fetuses, she wrote, citing a remote connection to a practice she finds abhorrent. The average American has a 7th-8th grade reading level. I also think that many people would be surprised at the how rapid the placebo affect is getting better. Far from suggesting that the Holy Spirit cannot dwell in a body that is physically contaminated by illness, microchips, medicines, or other substances, Paul is urging them to keep themselves free from sin. And this may come just as Christians are about to need exemptions most. Encouragement for Anglican Pastors, Downplaying the Sin of Homosexuality Wont Win the Next Generation, 9 Things You Should Know About Revivals in America, When You Dont Feel Like Having Sex with Your Spouse, The Burning Question from Asbury Isnt About Asbury, Megachurch Marriage for the Bachelor Pastor: A Story of Love that Lasts, Ordinary and Extraordinary: A Day at the Asbury Awakening, Tim Keller on the Decline and Renewal of the American Church. To justify divorce in unwarranted circumstances, sexual immorality, sexual confusion, gender identity, and the like. Its about the bigger picture that has been talked about all through COVID. Believe in divine immunity," Maldonado said in a bilingual sermon that was translated live and streamed on Facebook. Spreading the Word of God: A Guide for Religious Exemption to Immunization with Biblical Scripture Reference Paperback - January 14, 2020 by Tiffany A T Guay (Author) 4.6 out of 5 stars 33 ratings Their conscience may still bind them because it is true that no man knows for sure if HEK293 involved an immoral abortion, and we would be wrong to try to convince them otherwise. But often these are the same people eating Big Macs and chugging soda. Regarding medications- in most cases theyve been around a while. Perhaps this goes too far. I didnt just run out and get it, and Im not going to let my doctor push me into it without a lot more thought andconsideration. On the body as a temple argument, Tyler has missed the point of 1 Cor 6:19. The goal is not to vaccinate illegal immigrants, it is to remove them from the country. It might not be convincing to you or me and we can certainly have that discussion. Anthony Fauci, top medical adviser to President Joe Biden, said religious exemptions are "something we should look at." "If there is a legitimate religious exemption, fine. The Amish or Jehovahs Witness are examples. Seemingly disparate anti-LGBTQ, anti-choice bills can all be traced to a handbook produced by theocrats. People misuse Gods name for all sorts of sins. What is the conscience issue with the vaccine? You must think carefully, very carefully, about why you object to the vaccine. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me. The abortion connection has the most merit, but I again caution believers to avoid misusing Gods name and violating the ThirdCommandment. And it reflects differently on a population than reality does. But producing high-quality, independent work is not cost-free , If you found the piece above useful, informative, or inspiring, please consider supporting, To donate by check, phone, bitcoin, or other method, see our, Bernie Sanders Reintroduces PRO Act as Labor Activity Is on the Rise, Nebraska Democrat Vows to Filibuster All Bills Until Anti-Trans Bill Is Defeated, Immigrants Win Unprecedented Settlement Over Violent ICE Workplace Raid, The Nuclear War in Ukraine May Not Be the One We Expect, Truthout Center for Grassroots Journalism. You should then print the exemption form to complete the required information and to sign the form. They may not statistically do much, we may not understand what they do, and they may not have had safety testing. God hasnt mandated seatbelts, either. Wrestling with the moral tragedy of vaccines, The problem of an ethically compromised COVID-19 vaccine, Christian ethics and the dilemma of triage during a pandemic, Faraday Institute for Science and Religion. Jeremiah 29:11. Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. 16. In the meantime, Kirschner is pleading with those who havent gotten vaccinated yet to reconsider, for her son's sake and others like him. This is why, when appealing to religious liberty as the basis for an exemption, Christians should proceed carefully. Unvaccinated employees may have any number of personal responses to a policy of vaccine mandates. You talked briefly about drugs that affect our mental state, and unless I was forced to take one of those, I would avoid ever taking one. No one else has to agree. Presuming for yourself that you are justified in saying similar things when speaking about things that Scripture does not speak about is an entirely differentmatter. I see pastors offering to sign letters of religious objection. Roman Catholic and other Christian, Jewish and Muslim leaders have advised followers to get the shots. While sin has allowed creation to kick back, man still has the ultimately ability and responsibility to subdue it. If it seems far-fetched to think a religious entity would claim an exemption from a law that has nothing to do with religious beliefs, remember that religious corporations and institutions have, in recent years, won broad new powers to do everything from underfund their employee pension plans, to refuse to recognize adjunct faculty unions. Get daily news, in-depth reporting and critical analysis from the journalists, activists and thinkers who are working to improve our world.. If anyone destroys Gods temple, God will destroy that person (3:16-17). "You can have a church of one," said Lauren Kulpa, an attorney with Perkins Coie LLP. And this leads him to ask: Do you not know that you are Gods temple and that Gods Spirit dwells in you? As Jesus explains, "it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth." He goes on to explain that "out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander. Im only arguing Christians shouldnt demand religious exemptions if they choose not to be vaccinated. It would have been far easier to obtain the cells from a miscarriage. Such a claim might be motivated by the belief that their constitutionally protected rights are being infringed upon and that their religious sentiments are sufficient grounds for refusal. This is a well-meaning but sad argument. He is a supervisor in Theology and Religious Studies in the Cambridge Divinity Faculty, and he teaches courses for Ridley Hall and the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion. Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ, since God is making his appeal through us. Accordingly I believe, pursuant to my Christian faith, that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. Student Religious Exemption Request; Student Remote Learning Exemption Request; Click Download to obtain a copy of the desired form. Copyright 2023 The Gospel Coalition, INC. All Rights Reserved. Were proud to publish real news 365 days of the year, completely free of charge to our readers. What should Christians think about them? They make this argument for a variety of reasons. The truth is out there but people have becomedeceived.. Im happy to see how things play out first (and yes, time figures into my risk calculation aswell). Flagging vaccination rates over the summer of 2021 combined with a sudden surge of the COVID-19 delta variant in recent weeks have prompted many businesses and organizations, and even some state and federal government entities, to implement vaccination requirements for employees. So chemically we know that it impacts these levels in a lab. We witness this most acutely on the cross. A Christian must have a rational basis for claiming a conscience objection. This class of drugs impact dopamine and seratonin. There would have been no reason for them to specifically try to obtain the cells from an elective abortion. After all, the Christian witness has always been grounded, first and foremost, not in individual political liberty, but in self-sacrifice for the well-being of others. Few, if any, plausibly assert that receiving the vaccine would violate the employees sincerely held religious beliefs. The finding resulted in Jonah having 80% of his left lung removed when he was just one day old. But body is a temple actually argues for vaccination. Now we come to religious exemptions for vaccines. Get your FREE eBook about deconstruction: 'Before You Lose Your Faith'. "I'm very troubled by religious exemptions," Rabbi Joseph Potasnik, executive vice president of the New York Board of Rabbis. If we take Pauls words seriously, our main concern shouldnt be the physical purity of our own bodies, but the purity of our witness to the world around us. Jesus and Paul were actually muchharsher. Logically, a Christian does not have solid ground upon which to stand to claim the non-J&J vaccines are tied to an immoral abortion. AR-15-style weapons have been used in some of the deadliest shootings in modern U.S. history. Nashville, Tennessee 37203 The temple of God objection is not a matter of conscience, itscowardice. After all, natural illness is one of the main causes of impurity in Leviticus. 29 times more likely to be hospitalized. No other U.S. military branch has yet approved any religious exemptions to the COVID-19 vaccine. Commentators cited Murdoch's deposition as evidence that the network couldn't be trusted to report the facts. Larry, as much as I love this interaction, can we consolidate this discussion to onethread? (USNews https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2021-08-10/white-evang). So the noise is quiet and the only noise they hear is their doctor, or maybe no noise atall. Just last month, Bishop Robert McElory issued a letter to San Diego priests asking them to decline any requests for religious exemptions to vaccines. To be clear, stating you dont want to get the vaccine because your body is the temple of God is ludicrous. For you were bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body. (1 Corinthians6:19-20) Here, Paul is repeating a refrain from earlier in this same letter: Do you not know that you are Gods temple and that Gods Spirit dwells in you? (3:16). Indeed, courts are already rebuffing COVID-related religious-exemption requests, creating a harmful precedent that will be used against Christians in future cases. The personal autonomy objection turns not on the assertion that being vaccinated violates ones religious beliefs, but rather on the assertion that being required to be vaccinated violates ones beliefs. A church in California that has a history of defying pandemic lockdown orders is offering religious exemption letters for people opposed to being vaccinated against COVID-19. My response is that if someone claims that her Christian faith as informed by Scripture doesnt allow her to get vaccinated, then she does need to demonstrate how / why Scripture demands that conclusion (if she wants to be taken seriously by other Christians). Yes, sin has tainted this, but the mandate that God gave permeated the creation in the design. That was no attack on you. [5], This objection says very little. You are right. In the Bible, those who practice sorcery were those who practiced making or taking mind-altering drugs in order to stimulate hallucinations or visions! There is nothing distinctly religious about the fear of bodily harm involved in vaccine hesitancy. We dont possess ourselves but are ourselves possessed by him (1 Cor 6:20). Paul follows this with fitting words for our time: So let no one boast about human leaders (3:21). Some have been saying I belong to Apollos (which is to say, Im a member of Apolloss faction), while others say I belong to Paul. We just hope the behavior improvements are better than the side effects that practically everyonefaces. She and her family continue to wear masks, isolate and plan to get a booster shot when available. The author wishes to make sin Play-Dough; its anything the Holy Spirit impresses upon him to be wrong. Im only arguing Christians shouldnt demand religious exemptions if they choose not to be vaccinated. The issues here have been around for a very long time," Evans said. According to research by Vanderbilt University, the Dutch Reformed, the Christian Scientists and a few lesser-known faith-healing groups are the only churches operating in the United States that have . At present, the unvaccinated are 29 times more likely to be hospitalized. Furthermore, refusing vaccination could lead to others experiencing bodily harm as the unvaccinated are at increased risk of transmitting the virus to others. While Im sympathetic to this view, it doesnt provide the basis for a religious exemption. The difference is that you dont have people screaming that blood pressure medication has computer chips, aborted fetal cells, changes your DNA, safety was skipped.. People are unfortunately suspicious of newthings. When employees state abortion complicity objections to the COVID vaccines but have no qualms about using Tylenol, Claritin, or their favorite anti-aging skin cream, their employers are justified in withholding exemptions. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of federally protected classes, including religion, and provides that applicable employers must provide a religious accommodation to an employee who holds a sincerely held religious belief, practice, or observance against a workplace requirement. White Supremacist Christianity Drives Trumps Loyal Mob. In still rarer cases (it seems like) there is a risk/reward calculation that causes them to skipit. 1 Ruth Graham, Vaccine Resisters Seek Religious Exemptions. Those statements were made by people (Jesus, Paul) who spoke and/or wrote under infallible and inerrant direction and filling of the Spirit. "Our religion is predicated on the protection and preservation of health. To justify divorce in unwarranted circumstances, sexual immorality, sexual confusion, gender identity, and the like. Photo by Jay Yoo, John Evans is a professor of sociology and religious studies at UCSD. On a Friday evening in April, the Supreme Court quietly issued a short decision that opened the floodgates for religious entities to claim an exemption from just about any law. A New Mexico state senator will "help you articulate a religious exemption" by pointing to the decades-old use of aborted fetal cells in the development of some vaccines. Injecting something intramuscularly is significant safer than ingesting a medicine. To stop meeting or singing would be to disobey God. Agree that if we want to preach body is a temple, the text is 1 Cor. Religious Exemption. Get the news you want, delivered to your inbox every day. Paul warns the Corinthians not to deceive themselves, but to have true wisdom (1 Corinthians3:18). People came out with huge numbers, great stories of impending disaster, and the like, much of which turned out to be distorted and exaggerated and some of which was known at the time to be exaggerated anddistorted. Psalms 23:4 - Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. I made the comment, I think, but I probably should have checked itfirst. Pointing to verses from the Bible's Book of Revelation, Maldonado suggested that the coronavirus vaccine would help lay the groundwork for the coming of the Antichrist. "A religious, moral or other exemption of conscience should be ascertained not by documents, but by a simple conversation seeking only to establish that the individual has a sincerely held, reasonable belief that . If that is their only source of news and everything else is tainted, than it becomes quick to understand why there is so muchmisinformation. Religious freedom is an exceedingly important value, and it is a constitutional right recognized in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Another popular search during the pandemic was Jeremiah 29:11, which says, "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm . The second argument. , The percentage of white evangelicals who say they have been vaccinated or plan to get the shot as soon as possible was 56% in June, up from 45% in March (WSJ https://www.wsj.com/articles/white-evangelicals-resist-covid-19-vaccine). Some Christians claim the various COVID vaccines have a connection to abortion. The personal convictions carried by people who attend Awaken church are very real,. 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By theocrats mandate, some Catholics might believe the COVID-19 pandemic evil enough and the remote. And e-mail multiple times to ask about their religious beliefs and seek religious... Warning is not to mention it is a constitutional right recognized in the Bible, those practice! On a population than reality does excuse themselves from nearly any rulesomething no thinks... Time, '' Evans said impacts these levels in a bilingual sermon was... American has a 7th-8th grade reading level in San Diego them to skipit circumstances, immorality! Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation 1 Corinthians3:18 ) 3. https: //www.nytimes.com/2021/09/11/us/covid-vaccine-religion-exemption.html? smid=url-share 1 Corinthians,. In a lab scriptural precept or a particular church or traditions confession teaching... The drug that is being tested plants have authorized me to speak for,...